Eva Penzeymoog

Talk: Designing Against Domestic Violence


I work to ensure that digital products cannot be be used as tools of abuse, and share my findings with other people who create digital products. This work involves research of how technology both enables abuse and fails to recognize user behavior that indicates abuse, resulting in a lost opportunity to offer meaningful support. I’m intentional about providing clear, true (and always anonymous) examples, and aim to provide a concrete set of steps that people who work in tech can take to build products that won’t result in harm against their users.

My talk, Designing Against Domestic Violence, is the culmination of this research and the first step of a larger project to reduce harm in the world through centering the safety of victims of domestic violence. I call this work “designing for inclusive safety.” If you want to support me in this work, please visit my Patreon page.


I spend my non-design time consuming any zombie-related media I can get my hands on, creating cyanotype prints, and hanging out with my dogs, Hamlet and Horatio.

Cyanotypes are one-of-a-kind blue prints that result from a historical process that blends photography and printmaking. My prints feature botanicals and fabrics from meaningful spaces. I sell the best ones on Etsy.

I write about technology, design, justice, mental health, minimalism and more on Medium.