Ado Kukic

Talk: Role-Based Access Control in Angular Applications Description: Ensuring the right users have the right access at the right time is critical to any application, but getting this right with Angular can be a challenge. In this talk, we’ll take a high-level look at two ways we can implement role based access control in our …

Chris DeMars

Talk: Hacking the Human Perception Description: Hacking you say? Yes, I do, but this type of hacking has nothing to do with hooking in Matrix style or surfing through The Gibson at Ellingson Mineral Company. Nope, this type of hacking involves how we as developers, create the illusion of fast load times for our Web …

Lukas Ruebbelke

Talk: Quasi-Human Angular Automated Testing with Cucumber Description: Let us pretend we are having a profound moment of trust right now and I want to ask you a question. How many automated tests have been written for the Angular application you are currently working on? No need to get sheepish on me… EVERYONE needs to …

Philip Fulcher

Talk: Intro to Bazel Description: What is going on with the new Bazel build system everyone has been talking about? It’s still in Beta but the Angular team has been dedicating some serious resources to this initiative, so what’s all the fuss about? In this talk, Bonnie and Philip will summarize everything you need to …

Mike Hartington

Talk: Enhance! Customizing the Angular CLI Description: The Angular CLI is one of the best features of the Angular Platform. It handles all our bundling, built optimization, code split, generating of components. But not every project is the same, and the defaults provided by the CLI may not fit your teams particular use case. Thankfully …

Eva Penzeymoog

Talk: Designing Against Domestic Violence Description: I work to ensure that digital products cannot be be used as tools of abuse, and share my findings with other people who create digital products. This work involves research of how technology both enables abuse and fails to recognize user behavior that indicates abuse, resulting in a lost …

Austin McDaniel

Talk: Make your components tell you stories with Storybook Description: Developing and testing components in isolation can be difficult; Storybook is a tool that can help you build stories around your components that help with everything from working with designs and product to advanced edge case testing and screenshot testing. Let’s dive into Storybook and …

Hudson Baker

Talk: The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps Description: Short Summary: Legacy apps can be difficult, and sometimes demoralizing – It’s time to make coding fun again. Change your strategy with Angular Elements to revitalize the Front End Experience! All Aboard! Long Summary: I will acknowledge some negative emotions when approaching legacy apps and swiftly address …