John Crowson

Talk: MockStore in NgRx 8


What’s new in NgRx testing? Actually, a lot! The two most recent releases of NgRx have quietly introduced and iterated on the @ngrx/store/testing module, giving developers easier ways to test store-dependent components.
In this lightning talk, I will demonstrate testing store-dependent components using the NgRx MockStore, which provides the ability to mock the entire state or individual selectors. Say goodbye to the StoreModule!


John Crowson is a software developer at Capital One, building performant Angular applications that scale to millions of users. He started his career as an iOS developer, but traded in RxSwift and ReSwift for RxJs and NgRx two years ago. He enjoys writing for the NG-Conf blog on Medium and contributing to open source software including NgRx and Angular Material.

When he’s not coding, John organizes the Coders Only Meetup, iOSDevCampDC conference, and scuba dives.